I had orginaly planned to make this blog concerning my life as far as bdsm was concerned but apon deeper reflection i realized that would be impossible as its not some seperate life or some seperate part of me that i can pull aside and scurtinize. Its as much a part of me as my arms or hand or even the fingers i type this with. It its a single piece that contributes to who i am as much as the irish pride that resides with in we. SO that being said this blog will also contain part of me that having nothing to due with bdsm however that will be the main focus as the purpose of creating this blog was not only to allow me to take a step back and look at things that occur in life but also to help those out there that live this life and wish to see it indepthly from anothers view point.I know when i first started my in depth search of this life i often wished it was easier to find something like what i am creating then it seems to be to find porn that frankly portays the life very diferently then it is often viewed by those that use it as more then something to spice the bedroom up.
So let us begin. Id like to start with giving a bit of hisrtoy about my self with in the life. I was introduced to the life at what some may call a young age. Barely a man...I was 19 years old when i was first introduced to the lifestlye. I was on a chat program known as IMVU when i stumbled into a bdsm room out of curiosity brought on by the large bdsm community with in imvu (at the time). It was there i orignaly meet my now fiance and baby girl. We often look back on thos first conversations and laugh as how inexperinced i apperiantly was. Truth be told i was truly ignorant about the lifestlye and attempted to "collar" her only to find my self so eager to learn about the lifestyle that i ended up in one myself. She truth be told knew more about gor then bdsm and had no knowledge of what to do with a boy so see taught me breifly of gor and trained me as a kajrus ( the male slave used not for working or fighting but for serving and so on with in gor). It sparked my intrest in gor and when she and i parted ways for the first time it was there i searched for a deeper understanding as a Free man (MAster). I found the online world of gor intriguing to say the least. I barried myself in learning more and more of go. It wasnt long and many would say i was a true gorean. There where times where i allmost greeted those with in my everyday life with the gorean word "Tal. Moving on i began to grow weary of the drama that is in my opion ever constant in online gor. So i left my new beloved html (a chat ussualy rp based that revoles around typist typing out things like writting a book) gor and went back to imvu's bdsm. Once more i learned quickly but i stil had no person to person interactions. I had had a few girls that i had owned over the internet and phone that in all intents and purposes where mine in rt but never was i able to make flesh to flesh contact with them due to my job. In the intrest of time for the sake of my readers i will sum up that i struggled with in my life weither i was more dom or sub as i consider myself a switch for the simple reason for a VERY VERY select handfull of people i can be submissive and find happiness with in it but I have come to learn I am by far more DOM.
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